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Paper Craft

Chair Positions 2024/2025

Here you can find who holds each position and what their position is all about!

Greek Events

The position which helps take part in organizing large Greek external events. Lauren Gale is the representative on behalf of Xi Delta Theta

New Member Educators

This position is responsible for the education of the new members & active members. This is maintained by Tiana Weicker & Eneke Van-Marle.

Public Relations Chair

Manages and Creates Public image on all social media platforms, which is held by Isabelle Donoghue & Tiana Weicker

Semi Formal/Formal Chairs

Coordinates Semi-Fromal and Formal celebration, which is arranged by Lauren Gale & Zoe Pelletier.

Lock-in Chair

Internal bi-annually retreat planned by Isabelle Donoghue

Traditions Chair

Ensures all of Xi Delta Theta traditions are preserved and promotes them as well, which is upheld by Zoe Pelletier

CUGC Chair

Lauren Gale attends monthly meetings to keep chapter notified on everything regarding the Greek Council at Carleton University.

Rush Chairs

This position is in charge of planning all recruitment events, which is held by Isabelle Donoghue & Lauren Gale.

Scholarship Chairs

Promotes, encourages & helps sister to maintain and/or improve academics. This position is cultivated by Lauren Gale & Nia Kataria.

Social Fundraising Chairs

Organizes and plans all fundraisers event attached to the sorority. This position is held by Lauren Gale & Zoe Pelletier


Keeps a chronological log of all events hosted & attended by Xi Delta Theta with photos & videos. This position is documented by Isabelle Donoghue & Tiana Weicker.


Designs and orders all merch including letters, signs, sweaters, etc. Annabelle Lamontange currently holds the position.

Alumna Liaison

Zoe Pelletier communicates with the alumnae to keep them up-to-date on all active chapter events.

UOGC Chair

Lauren Gale attends monthly meetings to keep chapter notified on everything regarding the Greek Council at University of Ottawa.

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